The Basil
Jones Maya Site
The Maya and Bercellon
The Bercellon Site
Map to the Bercellon Site
The Maya Site
at Basil Jones, known as Bercellon is
relatively unknown and unexplored. Surrounded
by jungle and completely over grown, Bercellon
is one of the last potentially major Maya sites
on Ambergris Caye, yet to be

The Bercellon Maya Site
One of the things
that attracted me to Belize was the Maya
Civilization and their many temples. Then
after becoming a future resident of the
Basil Jones area of Ambergris Caye, I
became quite interested in the Maya Site
at Bercellon, not too far away. There was
very little known about it, so when I
visited the island in August, 2001, I was
determined to find out more and explore
it. This is a narrative of my expedition
(trip) to the Bercellon Maya Site.
After asking around San Pedro, I
eventually was put in touch with
Secundino "Dino" Gonzalez Jr.
and his friend Samuel "Sam"
Gonzalez. Dino had been to Bercellon, a
couple of times, but Sam was a hunter and
often hunted for deer and wild pigs on
North Ambergris Caye, especially the
Basil Jones area, and Sam knew just where
the Bercellon ruins were.
Arrangements were made and with an over
cast sky I found myself boating up to
North Ambergris Caye, with Dino, Sam, and
a friend of Dino's, ten year old
Guillermo "Guininni" Burgos.
Dino had warned me to be prepared for
mosquitoes, so I wore a long sleeve shirt
and long pants and brought two types of
repellent. I also brought two cameras,
some plastic ziplock bags, just in case
of rain, and a one hundred foot tape
measure. The trip north took about fifty
minutes until we docked at the newer Nova
Shrimp concrete pier, by the road to the
Basil Jones airstrip. From there we
headed west down the one and one quarter
mile sand and crushed coral road.
The walk down the road was pretty
unremarkable, but it is wide and well
maintained. After about a mile and a
quarter we came into a clearing from
which you could see the 1,800 foot Basil
Jones airstrip, a wide buffer zone of
mowed grass is maintained by Nova Shrimp.
Before we got to the actual airstrip we
cut off the road to the south and walked
across the buffer zone and Sam found the
mostly disguised entrance to a trail into
the subtropical forest or jungle. When I
say trail I mean that in the loosest
terms, an animal or pig trail is more of
what it is, at best.
By the time we were
a few feet in the forest, we were
completely soaked from the humidity and
the mosquitoes were all about, but I had
put Deet repellent on my clothes and
Citronella on my face. Take it from me
the Citronella doesn't work and they
were swarming all around my face, I
couldn't get the Deet out and applied
fast enough, and had multiple bites on my
face and hands, by the time I sprayed it
on. The trail was lined with small trees
and a variety of unusual plants and
foliage, many of which could inflict pain
or discomfort, we also kept our
sunglasses on to protect our eyes from
whipping branches. I'm not sure just
how far we traveled, but in about fifteen
minutes we came to a small cave. The cave
is only a few feet deep and about ten
plus feet wide, in a fairly low area and
was quite damp. It is probable that the
Maya utilized the cave, maybe for water.
From the cave we traveled another ten or
fifteen minutes losing the trail once or
twice until we found the site.
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As we struggled to keep on the trail, we
almost didn't see the ruins, they
just spring up out of the jungle. The
mound is made of of hand hewn limestone
rocks and is completely surrounded and
over grown with underbrush and trees. It
is hard to get a view of it from more
than a few feet away, the jungle just
swallows it up. We climbed up on top of
the mound and pushed through the dense
growth trying to see the scope of the
temple. We had to watch out not to fall
into the numerous holes dug by looters
down into the mound.
Eventually we were
able to find the edges of the temple.
From there we measured the mound, it was
fifty-eight by fifty-five feet on the top
level, assuming that the jungle and soil
had covered up the base level. The height
was at least six feet but we assumed that
another couple of feet were below the
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The limestone rocks are
completely loose, just a stack or pile of
rocks, all the original limestone based
mortar, used in construction, having long
since crumbled and washed away. The site
to be better seen and explored needs to be cleared and excavated then its relationship to
Ambergris Caye may be better understood.
From Bercellon we back tracked to the
airstrip, then we walked west to the end
of the airstrip and continued west into
marshy jungle, Sam had brought his
sixteen gauge shot gun and knew a
watering hole where we might see a pig or
deer. We didn't, but along the way we passed a tree
with what appeared to be broken Ostrich
sized eggs strewn underneath it. I looked around for the
creatures that came from the eggs before
noticing that they actually came from the tree which is known for its gourd like fruit.
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we got to the watering hole there were no
game animals, but if I had thought there
were a lot of mosquitoes before, there
were ten times as many here. Even Dino
got out his mosquito mask and I noticed
mosquitoes covering everyone's back
as we were walking back out, to the
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Walking a little slower than when we
went in, we made it back to the Nova pier
having been away over three and a half
hours, and now the sky was threatening to
bust loose on us. I tucked my cameras
inside the baggies and we hunkered down
in the bottom of the boat as the rain
poured down on us, all the way back. It
stopped just as we got back to San
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The trip or expedition to Bercellon was
long, hot, wet and strenuous and the
ruins are just that - ruins. But still
amongst the jungle and limestone you
could sense the Maya's spiritual
presence and it was worth the visit. But
in order for Bercellon to be better
understood and protected, the site is in
desperate need of clearing, maybe then
further exploration can be done. Also
a trail into it from the
airstrip will need to be made.
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