Dr. Mazzullo's map
dive sites in the area (off site)
Dr. Mazzullo's map
localities/ geographical areas of Ambergris Caye (off site)
The Mazzullo Map of Ambergris Caye (off site)
Possible routes from Bercellon.
Dr. Mazzullo's
map of Maya sites in Belize (off site)
Hurricane Keith
October 1, 2000 found Hurricane Keith sitting right on top of Ambergris Caye. Keith ended up becoming a Category 4 Hurricane with gusts up to 155MPH and sustained winds over 125MPH. The slow moving Keith stayed at force for over twelve hours, never moving more than a half a mile in any direction. Here are some images of Keith.
Hurricane Keith NOAA Map-Vapor
Hurricane Keith NOAA Map-Color
Hurricane Keith NOAA Map-Track
NOAA's animated Hurricane Keith (image at max size). Belize is visible at the bottom. Click to animate.