The Bushong United Photo Policy

Photograph Usage

If you would like to use a photograph from the Bushong United Website for personal use, unless it is noted or marked Copyright, feel free to do so. Please give credit, to the Bushong United Website. If it's your photographs that are published, and you would like to use the restored versions, we ask that the Bushong United Website is given credit for the restoration. Doing so, will inform other descendants where they might find photographs of their ancestors.

Photograph Collecting

Bushong United Website, is aggressively seeking and collecting Bushong photographs, for the first six generations and their spouses. In order to preserve and share them with other descendants, any and all sources are used to acquire these rare photographs. The Bushong United Website does not use copyright material without permission, and all photographs are in the public domain, or are otherwise noted. For questions, please refer to Wikipedia Public Domain.


All photographs on the Bushong United Website, are subject to restoration. This includes, color, contrast and composition. The photographs are corrected attempting to display them as they might have looked when they were taken. The results of age, including fading, brightness, dullness or lack of contrast, and coloration, as well as cracks and scratches are generally removed. In many that have lost portions of the photograph, due to extreme cropping, areas are added in to make a more realistic and hopefully original looking copy.

Giving Credit

Even though it's important to the provenance of the photographs, sources have not always been noted. If the Bushong United Website is using one or more of your photographs, and you would like credit, please contact the website, so that the information can be added.

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Bushong United is Copyright ©2018 by Rick Bushong any Commercial Use is Prohibited.