The Bushong United Website

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The Front Page
The Bushong Family History
The Bushong United Family Tree
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The Bushong United
Front Page         

Welcome to the Bushong United Family Tree. Dedicated to the exploration and preservation of Bushong heritage and its genealogical record.

As with all things, there can be only one truth, and there can be only one factual Bushong genealogical record. That is the record found in the Bushong United Family Tree, the Gold Standard for Bushong genealogy. In other words, the Bushong database is the largest, most complete, and accurate database in the world. If your tree doesn't match its branch in the Bushong United Tree, there is a good chance it is wrong, so fix it. Either that or send in your additions, or cite sources and prove your side. So through peer review, the Bushong United Tree can be corrected. Regardless, in Bushong genealogy, there can be only one truth.

In creating the Bushong United Tree, I was also able to solve many of the age-old mysteries surrounding this Pennsylvania Dutch Bushong-Boschung family, even tracing them back to Germany and Switzerland. Though I didn't set out to, in the process, I became a "Bushong Historian". It's no secret how, because it happened by going through thousands of Bushong records, and if you'd charted the Bushong family into a tree and studied it as I have, you'd be one too.

Of course, it was a lot of work, but I eventually charted all the Bushongs beginning with the FindaGrave Bushong listings, then continuing with the entire 1930 US Census. I charted them using a simple program called Family Tree Builder (available for free download from My Heritage). Each name with its details was entered, which created the database and a family tree consisting of thousands of Bushongs, The Bushong United Family Tree. It is the only way to keep track of all the various Bushongs and their branches.

Here at Bushong United, you can have access and are free to share the The Bushong United Family Tree, all of our articles, documents, and photos from this Colonial American family. You can study here online, download photographs, or just buy the book. Hopefully, there will someday be more trees and historians who can advance the Bushong Family Heritage even further.

Rick Bushong
Note: these articles, images, and photographs will not be here, online, forever.
If any of this information is relevant to your family, copy it, archive it, and back it up!
Either that or buy the book and you'll have that forever!
Now Available!

 Buy the Bushong History Book 
The History of the American Bushong Family

Introductory Price!
Order direct from the printer, usually taking 3 to 5 days per order. The book has 274 pages and is printed on premium 80 lb paper. With over 300 illustrations, table of contents, and index, it has chapters tracing virtually all American Bushongs' ancestors, plus chapters on uncles, aunts, and cousins, as well as voyaging to America, the surname's origination and finally how they are all related.

To order, click above. For more information, click here


What is Happening in Bushong Genealogy

Scroll Down

The Bushong History Book
Library Distributions

As sales of the new Bushong History book grow, my colleagues and I have been donating copies to selected libraries across the country. To date, four copies have been placed in public libraries and two more are pending. Below is a list of their locations and donation dates:

LancasterHistory Library
230 North President Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17603
received: December 21, 2023

Indianapolis Municipal Library
2450 N. Meridian St.
Indianapolis, IN 46208
received: April 15, 2024

      Ohio Genealogy Society Library
611 State Route 97 West
Bellville, OH 44813
received: January 30 2024

Preston Library
Virginia Military Institute
411 Letcher Avenue
Lexington, VA 24450
received: April 15, 2024

Fort Smith Arkansas Public Library
(main branch)
3201 Rogers Avenue
Fort Smith, AR 72903
(still pending)
Findlay-Hancock County Library
Main Branch
206 Broadway
Findlay, Ohio 45840
(still pending)

Additionally, beyond donating to their library, three more copies have been contributed to VMI's New Market Battlefield Gift Shop. Two of these were given away in raffles, during the battle's recent 160th Battle commemoration.

So all might have a chance to read it!

June 3, 2024
The Bushong History Book
Deluxe Leather Bound Edition


click to enlarge

I had always planned on getting a leather-bound copy of the Bushong History book. After all, it is representative of my heritage. Along the way, some purchasers expressed interest in getting their own leather-bound copy. So for those interested, here is what it looks like.

It took a lot of time to find a binder that I liked and that offered features I wanted, but finally, I located Bella Bechio Book Bindery in Texas. Bella Bechio has been in business since 2009 and have won numerous book binding awards.

The cover material is Sokoto goatskin, a river-grained goatskin preferred for Bible rebinding because of its great quality and rugged durability. These Nigerian Sokoto goatskins are among the finest and most desirable in the world. Though a little hard to see in the photographs, the color is Forest Green, chosen as an homage to the surname's original meaning of the forest. The silver foil lettering contrasts nicely with the green. The end sheets, called marble, are spectacular and complement the cover. There are two Forest Green 1/4" Satin Ribbon markers (optional up to 3).

They are not cheap, and after providing them with a paperback copy of my book, the cost is $423.00 plus $26.50 shipping and handling for a total of $449.50 (this is the actual cost from Bello Bechio). Count on one and a half to two months for delivery.

After getting mine, I feel that I would add spine bands next time, which is an additional $62, but they would add more style and gravitas.

I am very satisfied with the overall presentation and have to say the feel of the book is very nice.

Those interested, in a leather-bound book please contact me. For information, about the book see below or click here

Perhaps at this cost, they are not for everyone, but it is after all our heritage and something to be proud of.

June 3, 2024
Warning-Alert  Warning iGENEA  Warning-Alert
An Untrustworthy DNA Company

I have not used iGENEA, a DNA testing company, as my line was tested, along with many other Bushongs at FTDNA and they did a good job. But after finding a list on iGENEA's Bushong web page here, with ten purportedly famous Bushongs to whom Bushong descendants could be related to, I had to check it out. One name that immediately caught my attention was Confederate General Andrew Bushong. Since I have charted virtually every American Bushong, a Confederate General Bushong was new to me. That was because as I suspected, there never was a Confederate General named Andrew Bushong. He had been fabricated and never existed. It turned out that every Bushong on the list was fabricated and iGENEA has published these made-up Bushongs to entice unknowing and perhaps gullible Bushong descendants into paying them for the chance to be related to these fake famous Bushongs.

Lies are the ultimate offense in genealogy. When someone or a company has so little respect for a family's heritage that they just make up stuff, and pollute its record with lies, they can never be trusted. Here is a list of the names.
    iGENEA's Fabricated Bushongs
  • Joshua Bushong: A former Major League Baseball pitcher for the St. Louis Browns.
  • Andrew Bushong: An American Civil War General who served in the Confederate States Army.
  • Howard Robert Bushong: A surgeon and Republican member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.
  • Calvin Bushong: A college football coach who served as head coach at Northwestern State in Louisiana during the 1957 season.
  • Ken Bushong: A retired Major League Baseball pitcher who played for the Atlanta Braves in 1972.
  • Richard Bushong: A major influential minister, historian, and educator in the Mennonite Church.
  • Charles Bushong: An American abstract painter and sculptor who completed a colored terracotta piece for the League of Nations.
  • Justus Bushong: A professional basketball player who is remembered for playing for two basketball teams in different parts of the country.
  • Todd Bushong: An American former Major League Baseball pitcher who played for the New York Yankees in 2002.
  • Elmer Estella Bushong: The first woman to serve as an American delegate to the United Nations.
None of these accomplishments are remotely related to Bushongs. There was a General and an Admiral Bushong. The late General Charles R. Bushong (1921-2012) and Vice Admiral Paul J. Bushong (born in 1958), but were born decades after the Civil War. There is also a Todd Bushong, who was an assistant baseball coach in a Calhoun County, Michigan High School, but he's now serving a long prison sentence. We can only conclude that iGENEA simply made their list hoping that some hapless Bushong descendants would pay them for the chance to be related to distinguished yet fictional Bushongs. iGENEA's approach is the very essence of Bate and Switch.

They had other information such as the meaning of the Bushong surname and where did it come from. As would be expected it was mostly wrong and a mishmash of stuff. Obviously, they couldn't even bother to check the Bushongs' Wikipedia page here.

Upon looking up the iGENEA company, some interesting things turned up about them. According to, the owner and Technical Director of iGENEA is Joelle Apter, who lives in Switzerland. Additionally, Ms Apter was a past CEO at GenePartner.

Then, on DNA blogs numerous complaints were revealed about iGENEA, here and here, and others. It appears that they do not even do the testing themselves but send it to FTDNA. They then provide some analysis and an underpopulated community to help.

But whatever service they provide, who could trust them, if they would pollute the Bushong public record with such garbage? They didn't even try and get it right, and their website has hundreds and thousands of other surname pages, logically just like the Bushong page. Can you imagine how much they've polluted the historical record for all these surnames? All callously done to bate and switch and take another sucker's money.

A couple of months ago, I left a comment on their Bushong page declaring it a fabrication and invited their response. To date, they have not replied or removed the page. So I call on Ms. Apter to do the right thing and to take these fraudulent assertions down. I can be reached on this website.

March 9, 2024
The Battle of New Market
160th Commemoration

The 160th Anniversary event for the Battle of New Market in the Shenandoah Valley is scheduled for May 18th and 19th 2024. They are working to include a Bushong-specific gathering that weekend, likely on Sunday, and the details will soon be completed.

They are asking Bushong descendants and enthusiasts to join them where the Battle of New Market raged across Jacob Bushong’s farm. Special emphasis will highlight the role of the Cadets from the Virginia Military Institute who were asked to fill a gap in the Confederate battle line and helped to turn the tide of the battle.

Some of the activities are cooking demonstrations at the Bushong Farm, military drills, live black powder demonstrations, and camp life. Special guests the Society of Civil War Surgeons will conduct multiple medical demonstrations throughout the weekend. Special guided tours with museum interpreters will be offered, to learn about the history of the Battle of New Market and the Civil War in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

    Regularly Featured Exhibits
  • Artifacts from VMI, for the Battle of New Market, and the Bushong family
  • Kaminsky Gallery of Civil War Firearms
  • The Robert Raeburn, VMI 1951, Civil War Art Gallery
  • Stained Slab Glass Mural Wall by Ami Shamir
  • The Field of Lost Shoes movie will be playing in the Theater
The park and museum are open seven days a week, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Holiday closures: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.

New Market Battlefield State Historical Park
8895 George Collins Parkway
P. O. Box 1864
New Market, VA 22844

Jacob Bushong and his family are arguably the most famous American Bushongs.
Here's an event where you can visit his farm and learn a little more about our Bushong heritage!

February 13, 2024
The Bushong United Website
Ten Years Old This Month!

Time flies! It was ten years ago that the Bushong United Website started, and since then, the Bushong history has come a long way. The American Bushong family was united into a single family tree in 2012, twelve years ago. That changed everything and gave context to the American Bushong population. Understanding our ancestors back to when they Anglicized their name focused the search for European roots and helped us to discover our ancestors across the pond.

  • 2013 (December) Bushong United Website began.
  • 2014 The Bushong family jumped the pond to Schmalenberg, Germany.
  • 2014 Boschungs were traced to Simmen Valley, Switzerland.
  • 2015-2019 Documenting the new discoveries and writing articles.
  • 2020 Bushong book begun.
  • 2023 (August) Pennsylvania Bushong CDV album sold for $16,000.
  • 2023 (November) The Bushong book is published. For more information, click here
  • 2023 (November) The Bushong United Tree is rejuvenated and republished - here.
  • 2024 Afterward? The Bushong history is available for all!
As can be seen, it wasn't overnight, but a steady march. Now the Bushong story is known and with the tree and book being published, it is available to everyone. The Bushong family heritage is so much more complete. Looking at the auction results in August really emphasizes what a complete heritage is worth. A CDV Album, including a 23% buyers fee, sold for $19,680 - and it was a partially filled CDV album! If that's an indicator of the value of a well documented family, then that says a lot.

    I want to thank all those who have contributed to this research, providing invaluable support, insightful
comments, and thoughtful emails. Together, we've discovered the Colonial Bushong Family and
with its heritage, it has been demystified.

December 2, 2023
The New Bushong United Family Tree
The Tree is Back!

Some have noticed the Bushong United tree has been offline. Hosted by the now mostly defunct site RootsWeb, it is a prime example of why internet genealogy is not archival. Through the years, it and dozens of other genealogy sites have gone poof! Imagine how many thousands of family trees representing thousands of hours of research vanished. I liked RootsWeb's old format, at least before being hacked in June 2014. But from there, it came back months later in a different format and since has been up and mostly down. I apologize, but it has been down for about one and a half years, and as I was busy writing the Bushong history book, I didn't have time to try and make a new site elsewhere.

But, with the Bushong history book's completion, I had time to create a new site, and the new Bushong United Family Tree is up and running! It is, of course, a different format, but most should find it easy to use. Further, the new tree, is hosted on, which is my domain, and the same as Bushong United is on. So, barring misfortune, it should be available as long as I can pay server costs.

I invite everyone to try the new tree here, or at the top of the column on the right. Let me know if I'm missing information or if there are errors on your branch. But note: the information in a person's notes sometimes has errors. I usually leave it as found but with an explanation.

So if you're looking for ancestors or want to confirm your own tree,
try the New Bushong United Family Tree

November 26, 2023
The Bushong History Book
For Sale!

I am proud to present the Bushong History book, which is now available.

The History of the American Bushong Family
From Switzerland to America
The Immigrants, Their Ancestors, and Notable Descendants

Numerous books have explored branches of the Bushong family, including one of my own in 1989. While others focused on specific parts, the goal for this book was detailing the beginnings of the entire Bushong family in addition to several branches and individuals. Though there are other branches, perhaps this book can be considered a beginning to inspire more descendants to collect and write their Bushong branch story.

This foundation for our collective history, spans 274 pages on 80 lb premium paper with numerous illustrations. Printed on demand by Lulu Printing Co., the hardcover edition features a Navy Blue cover with gold lettering and a dust jacket. It takes 3 to 5 days (add more during holidays) for printing, plus shipping.

Photos of the History of the American Bushong Family, click to enlarge.

PDF of the Table of Contents for the History of the American Bushong Family.

To order, click here for the introductory price: 
Paperback $30See it on Bushong United   or  Hardcover $50See it on Bushong United plus shipping

Note: I recommend the hardcover edition, because with the weight
of the paper, the paperback cover will quickly become worn.

November 24, 2023
Inaccurate Bushong History
About the Jacob Bushong Farm in New Market

BUSHONG LINEAGE: Jacob Bushong/ Henry Bushong and Barbara Lohr/ Hans Philip Bushong and Anna Eva Hergard/ Hans John Bushong IV and Barbara Bushong/ Hans John Boschung III and Anna Maria Boschung/ Hans Boschung II and Anna Stocker/ Hans Boschung I and Anna Anneler/ Michael Studer-Boschung and Dichtli Jaggi.
With the Bushong History book finished, I can tend to some inaccuracies in the digital record. One of the new chapters is about Jacob Bushong and Sally Strickler and the Bushong farm in the Battle of New Market, Virginia.

The Bushong farm of the battle fame, is almost universally believed to have been purchased by Jacob's father, Henry, in 1791 and was a 260 acre tract. You'll find the Battle of New Market park plaques, brochures, and several books, all claiming the 1791 tract was Jacob's and where the battle took place. However, when checking the deed, that tract was on the west side of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River and that precludes it from being involved in the Battle of New Market.
260 acres west side of river

  • Source: the Virginia Deed books, 1772-1900; Deeds, Vols. G-H 1788-1792, Book H, pages 132-134; June 22, 1791, Henry Bushong buys 260 acres from George Easterly.

  • On the West side of the north river of the Shenandoah.

    Full deed part 1 here     Full deed part 2 here
    Further, that tract was sold out of the family September 20, 1828 to Christian Sacksman.
  • Source: Virginia Deed books, 1772-1900; Deeds, Vols. GG-HH 1827-1833, Book HH page 89-90.

  • 207 and one half acres east side of river

    The actual Jacob Bushong farm was purchased on June 27, 1818 by Henry for Jacob and his bride, Sally Strickler. That tract of land is on the east side of the river and contains 207 and one half acres.
  • Source: Virginia Deed books, 1772-1900; Deeds, Vols. Y-Z 1817-1820, Book Z pages 48-50: June 27, 1818.
  • Henry Bushong buys 207 and one half acres from John Hagey.

    On June 30, 1821 Henry Bushong, to cover some debts, sold the 207 and one half acres tract to Jacob's father-in-law, Abraham Strickler.
  • Source: Virginia Deed books, 1772-1900; Deeds, Vols. AA-BB 1820-1822, Book BB page 153; June 30, 1821.

  • Mr. Strickler died about 1836, and his heirs sold the 207 and one half acres for $1 on February 4, 1837 to Jacob.
  • Source: Virginia Deed books, 1772-1900; Book QQ pages 17 1/2-19; February 4, 1837.

  • Mistakes happen, but when found they should be corrected.

    November 3, 2021
    Deceptive Bushong History
    About the Bushong Farm in New Market

    The next item discovered in connection with the Battle of New Market chapter, was on a website. I was at first excited to come across it again, as it purported to be written by a Bushong about himself and two other Bushongs in a group of fourteen Confederate Calvarymen involved in the battle. Published by Sandra Newman Sanchez, the information is on an older website active between 2000 and 2009, and now archived and hosted by It discussed James H. Bushong, E.M. Bushong, Geo. Bushong and others on May 14th 1864, in New Market and relates a cavalry skirmish they were in. While vetting the article to fit it into the narrative about the battle, I was having a difficult time attributing the action to a particular place and time, and with further research found a 1921 Shenandoah Valley newspaper with the story. I also found it in the Bushong Bulletin, citing the original from the Confederate Veterans Magazine. It turned out, the event happened in January 1865, not May 1864, and it was not in New Market, it actually occurred a little over 15 miles north of New Market, between Edinburg and Columbia Furnace to the east. The Geocities' version had been doctored, removing many identifying town names and locations as well as, outright lying about the date.

    We don't want to cast aspersions, and perhaps Sandra Sanchez received it in the adulterated version. Nevertheless, she posted it and added a copyright to the post, so she bears some responsibility.

    The account of the actual cavalry skirmish (right), though a little long, is a rollicking good story, told by Silas K Wright to the Confederate Veterans Magazine. The three Bushongs involved, James H., Edward Mark and George A., were grandsons of Andrew Andreas Bushong and Elizabeth Calvert. Silas was also their grandson and first cousin to the Bushongs in the event. In addition, Silas' narrative tells of the later death and burial of seventeen year old George A. Bushong (1848-1865). These are bonifide Civil War experiences that these Bushongs had, and told by someone who was there. They deserve to be told and remembered as they happened, without being corrupted into a fictional story. I've transcribed a correct 1921 version (which matches the 1985 Bushong Bulletin), with more details viewable here (pop-up opens in new window).

    Sandie was a subscriber to the Bushong Bulletin, so she is not an unknown. I tried contacting her with the email address on the website but received no reply. Here's a link to the offending and false account here, but warning: Sandra Sanchez's website is older and this page has a MIDI file (music) attached to it which prompts your computer to ask to download the music clip. It's not malicious, just obnoxious and is a computerized version of the Yellow Rose of Texas. There is some good information on Sandra's web site, but being made before 2009, it has the old French Bushong myth, claiming Hans was from from Alsace, Lorraine, France and Barbara was Barbara Foltz de Hageuau - all disproven.

    The April 8, 1921 Shenandoah Herald, page 2. Columns are marked.

    In genealogy accuracy is everything.
    Even worse, lying is unacceptable and contrary to the very premise of saving history.
    The web page should be removed.

    November 3, 2023
    The Bushong Book is Finished
    Proof copies are at the printers

    The Paperback edition of the Bushong history book.

    But first, did everyone see what the latest Lancaster album (below) sold for? It closed at $16,000 with the 23% buyer's fee that's $19,680! It certainly looks like the price of collecting Bushong photographs has gone up. On the other hand, the Bushong family heritage has become rare and valuable, and to a degree, famous. Congratulations to all Bushongs! A collector of Bushong photographs I communicate with, put in a bid, but was amazed how high it went.

    Now on to the book. It is finished and at the printer waiting for proof copies to be completed and reviewed.

    The History of the American Bushong Family is 8 1/2" by 11" and 274 pages with hundreds of photographs, maps and documents. Pricing is tentatively set at $35 for paperback and $60 for hardback with dust jacket, plus shipping. They will be available for order here, directly from the printer. The deluxe leather bound editions will be the last to be available, and are estimated to sell for around $400 to 450, but details are still being worked out.

    An estimate for the paperback and hardback's earliest delivery, will probably be a little after Christmas.

    Return here for the latest bulletins about it.

    October 24, 2023
    Another Lancaster County CDV Album
    Warning-Alert  Bushong Heritage For Sale SOLD
    The Henry Bushong Family and Liberated African Americans!

    Charles' parents, Gilbert Bushong and his wife, Edith Paxson

    Here is yet another antique photo album lost from the Lancaster County family of Henry Bushong, a well-known Underground Railroad Conductor! This album which found its way to Columbus, Ohio, was presented to Charles H. Bushong (1856-1903) by his grandfather, Henry Bushong, who signed it. A son of Gilbert Bushong and Edith K. Paxson, Charles became a doctor specializing in Allopath and graduated from the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1885. He wrote and published a medical book in 1893 and perhaps others.
    BUSHONG LINEAGE: Charles Henry Bushong/ Gilbert Bushong and Edith Kinsey Paxson/ Henry Bushong and Esther Valentine/ Johannes John Bushong and Eve Dorothea Eckman/ Hans Philip Bushong and Anna Eva Hergard/ Hans John Bushong (IV) and Barbara/ Hanss John Boschung (III) and Anna Maria Boschung/ Hans Boschung (II) and Anna Stocker/ Hans Boschung (I) and Anna Anneler/ Michael Studer-Boschung and Dichtli Jaggi.

    Here's a partial listing:

    Freed Slave & Abolitionist Family Album
    Estimate: $2,500 - $5,000 (plus 23% buyer's fee)

    Description (partial)
    A remarkable carte-de-visite album related to the abolitionist Bushong family of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The Bushongs were devout Quakers and are credited with manning Lancaster's “Columbia to Christiana” branch of the Underground Railroad from their homes in and around Bart Township. This newly discovered photo album, which dates to the Civil War era, contains original photographs of two freed slaves as well as photographs of various members of the Henry Bushong family.

    Current bid: $100 Sold for $16,000! WOW
    Ends August 5th, 8am Central Time

    Offered at Live Auctioneers, by FLEISCHER'S AUCTIONS, Columbus, Ohio

    When his grandfather gave him this carte-de-visite (CDV) album, he had already filled it with photos of Charles' parents, cousins, uncles, aunts, Rakestraws, and other family. There are also two CDVs of two freed slaves who the Bushong family were undoubtedly friends of and possibly helped in their escape. Charles married twice and had no children, which may be why the album became separated from the Bushong family.

    Note: I have reviewed the later added identifications. All appear correct, except for two labeled cousins, Mary Bushong (labeled daughter of Henry, Sr) and Anna Bushong (labeled daughter of Isaac Bushong). These two identifications are wrong, as the named fathers did not have children with those names. I believe they may be daughters of Henry Sr's son, John, and Elizabeth Walton Bushong, who had two daughters named. Mary, and Anna, died without children in 1861 and 1867, respectively. It needs to be studied further.

    I am not an expert on pricing old CDVs, so I have no idea what these great photos will sell for. If you're a Bushong, maybe more closely related than I am, please consider putting in a bid!

    July, 10, 2023
    Updated: October 24, 2023
    The Bushong History Book
    Is Almost Finished

    Exciting news! The much-anticipated book, The History of the American Bushong Family, is making excellent progress. I anticipate its completion within the next few months, perhaps in time for Christmas. Currently, I am diligently working on the final two chapters, as well as the index and cover design. As is often the case, these tasks require more time than initially planned, but rest assured, I am committed to delivering a comprehensive and engaging book.

    The History of the American Bushong Family is 8 1/2" x 11" and will span over 250 pages, providing a narrative of a broad selection of the Bushong family lineage. To cater to various reading preferences, I intend to publish multiple versions of the book, including paperback, hardback, and potentially even a deluxe leather-bound edition.

    Your enthusiasm, interest, and support for this project is greatly appreciated. To ensure you receive timely updates, I am compiling a list of individuals who would like to be notified of the book's publication. If you would like to be included, kindly send an email with your name and phone number to this website.

    Thank you for your support, and I look forward to sharing the printed edition of this remarkable journey through history for the American Bushong Family with you soon.

    June 30, 2023
    Again From Pennsylvania
    Warning-Alert  Bushong Heritage For Sale SOLD!
    Henry Bushong and Esther Valentine Daguerreotypes

    Henry and Esther. One of seven eBay offerings.
    Click to enlarge

    What an incredible find! More photographs have turned up from one of the Lancaster County Bushong branches. There are seven individual eBay Buy-it-now offerings of seven beautiful cased-photographs. All incredibly sharp and clear, five are highly prized and sought after Daguerreotypes and two are Ambrotypes (also on glass). They are from the very well-known and active Lancaster County Underground Railroad family of Henry Bushong.

    These are some of the finest Bushong photographs I have run across. They are sharp, well exposed, and remarkably fresh for being close to 170 years old! In the photograph of Henry and Esther above, Henry is actually smiling a bit, while Esther has a mildly bemused look. Much different than most of our ancestors, looking stiff. Daguerreotype photographs are highly collectible, and that makes these photographs expensive the prices range from $119 to $325. I am not a Daguerreotype expert, but I've seen "Dags" sell for hundreds of dollars, so the prices seem reasonable.

    Some have already sold and if these beautiful photographs were my own branch, I'd buy them. Even at twice the price! If it's family, you'd have to do it. Even collectors of Bushong memorabilia should be interested because these are absolutely stunning photographs, on top of that, they were Underground Railroad operators! Someone buy them!

      A tip of the hat to Charlene Moore for sending this in! Thank you!

    May 7, 2022
    Updated May 22, 2022
    Vetting Determines
    Andrew Bushong Jr. ca 1749-____
    Warning-Alert  Never Existed  Warning-Alert

    To view or copy full size, click on image - click Backspace to return
    (3 pages combined - click to enlarge)
              Many in Bushong genealogy, myself included, have thought that possibly Anthony Andrew Bushong and his first wife, Maria Catrina Bushong, had a third child, a son named Andrew Jr. However, from research while writing the Bushong History book (see post below), I can conclusively state Andrew Jr. never existed. An excerpt from the book:
    ...a third son named Andrew (Jr). Possibly born between 1747 and 1753, though no records for his birth or baptism exist, there are unsourced references to Andrew Junior's birth in 1749. Perhaps the confusion arises from an Andrew's Virginia land purchase where, as will be discussed, our Andrew lived for a period but left by 1780. Intriguingly, there are Virginia transactions and surveys that mention not just an Andrew Bushong, but also George Bushong, Henry Bushong, John Bushong Jr., and Jacob Bushong. All the names, except for the Junior on John's name, match Andrew and Catherine's son's names, with one extra for Andrew Jr. But after analysis, these Bushongs are our Andrew's first cousins.
    They can be identified as follows: Jacob Bushong (1735-1811), the husband of Maria Juliana Weigel. Three were sons of Lt. John Bushong (IV), husband of Elizabeth Sprenkel, who moved from Pennsylvania to Virginia by 1782, when Lt. John was a member of the Virginia Militia. In 1782 and 1783, he appeared on Virginia tax rolls. Their sons were Andrew Andrews Bushong (1773-1853), husband of Elizabeth Calvert, George Bushong (1755- after 1809), husband of Martha Hall, and John Bushong VI (1756-1796), (called John Jr.) husband of Elizabeth Wendel. That accounts for four of those mentioned and the fifth was Henry W. Bushong (1763-1836), husband of Barbara Lohr. Henry is the son of Hans Philip Bushong(1722-1785) and Ana Eva Hergard.

    All five Bushongs are accounted for and all were of legal age. So the case for Andrew Bushong Jr. can be dismissed since there is no evidence to suggest that he ever existed.

    On the left is the 1804 recorded indenture of Andrew Andreas Bushong's (1773-1853) for 330 acres in Montgomery County, Virginia, on the head waters of Indian Run a branch of the Roanoak (River).Andrew was thirty years old at the time, and obviously had accumulated money enough to buy land.

    Time to fix your Bushong Family trees

    May 6, 2022
    Nicholas and Magdalena
    Their Last Child
    Anna Maria Boschung

    Anna Maria Boschung's baptism record, June 17, 1732 at the Dutch Reformed Church in Rotterdam.
    Click to enlarge, For full page click here From Family Search here.

    The History of the American Bushong Family book is progressing, But side-tracked for a moment, something new turned up that I wanted to share.

    I was amazed to find this needle in a haystack: another child in the Colonial immigrant family of Johann Nicholas Boschung and his wife, Anna Magdalena Schaffner! A daughter named Anna Maria Boschung. Only she wasn't born in Germany like her brothers and sisters. Anna Maria was born in Rotterdam, South Holland Province, Netherlands, and her baptism, was on June 17, 1732, at the Dutch Reformed Church, in Rotterdam. Her date of birth is unknown, but it is safe to say she was born in June 1732. In support of that, Nicholas and Magdalena quickly baptized all their children. Andrew's was at just six days old.

    That brings the total known children of Nicholas and Magdalena to seven. Though there are five years between Anna and Nicholas,(Jr.) and there could be another child, seven is all that can currently be proven. Everyone should fix your charts as I will integrate this discovery into the naratives on Bushong United and the book. Here is a list as it now stands:

    • Maria Barbara November 15, 1715-1715 (died young)
    • Johann Anton Andreas January 30, 1717-1790
    • Maria Barbara Juliana (Meixel) February 4, 1719-1805
    • Johann Henrich George January 30, 1722-aft 1774
    • Eva Elisabetha (Schwartz)March 9, 1724- vef. 1770
    • Johann Nicolas (Jr.) April 26, 1727-1732 (died on the voyage)
    • Anna Maria June 17, 1732-1732 (died on the voyage)

    This new information adds so much to our knowledge and understanding of these brave immigrant ancestors. Calculating backward, Magdalena would have been pregnant since the middle of September 1731. That means, when the family left their village of Schmalenberg to go to America, in the middle of April 1732, she was seven months pregnant. Then after a few days traveling by wagon, they reached the Rhine River and hired a barge to take them to Rotterdam, arriving sometime in June only to find many more refugees than they were expecting. All while Magdalena was pregnant. Soon after arriving, she gave birth probably in a refugee camp outside of Rotterdam. On Tuesday, June 17, Nicholas and Magdalena took their infant daughter to the Dutch Reformed Church in Rotterdam for her baptism. Soon if not that day, their voyage to America would begin, and they must have known the dangers their daughter faced on the Atlantic crossing. But in baptizing her, they believed, should she die, her soul would go to heaven.

    It also narrows down the date of departure of the Pink "John and William" to after Anna Maria's baptism and probably the same day. Because as the Pennsylvania Gazette stated, they were "seventeen weeks from Rotterdam." and October 17, when the men swore allegiance to the British Crown, is exactly seventeen weeks after Anna Maria's baptism. Following swearing allegiance, the passengers were free to enter the country after they paid their fares.

    It all illustrates the determination, urgency, and maybe desperation their sojourn involved. For us, it is hard to fathom leaving home on such a perilous journey, with five children ages five to fifteen and a wife seven months pregnant. But they did it, and at great sacrifice, because Anna Maria was sadly never heard of again and undoubtedly died on the voyage. The same is true for five-year-old Nicholas (Jr.). Then after arriving, Nicholas and Magdalena disappear too, evidently never recovering from the infamous and deadly voyage. That or they more likely, died from the 1732-1733 Flu Pandemic. It invaded the colonies before their arrival, and by the time they left the ship, it had engulfed Philadelphia and all of Pennsylvania as well.
    Their story should perhaps serve as an example of the sacrifices our immigrant ancestors made.
    As well as show the bravery and determination they needed to make new lives in a democratic country,
    where they could worship as they chose.
    October 24, 2021
    The Bushong United Website
    The History of the American Bushong Family - The Book

    The Bushong Book, a rendering of the Library Edition.

    Some readers may have noticed a tapering-off of the articles published on the Bushong United Website, and their observations are correct. Coupled with the fact that the Bushong Tree is virtually complete, work has begun on a Bushong History in book form. To allow time for the book, except for the Bushong Photograph Album, I will not update or publish as frequently on the Bushong United Website.

    Yes, for those who have been asking, the Bushong United History is being formatted to become a book. Rather than a book about just one Bushong branch or line, it includes the stories, biographies, and lineages of the founding ancestors for the entire American Bushong family, the immigrant brothers, Hans John and Johann Nicholas, and notable descendants.

    The driving force to bring the history of the Bushong family out of digital and onto the printed page is the internet's transitory and non-archival nature. With a history as detailed as the American Bushong family, it needs to be on paper, in a book that will last hundreds of years. In a book that can be kept on a bookshelf and studied at will. A part of a family's heritage.

    The working title is:
    History of the American Bushong Family
    From Switzerland to America
    The Immigrants, Their Ancestors, and Notable Descendants

    Though most of the stories are on this website, it needs formatting to fit in a book and is still in progress. Its completion could take a another year or two.

    The size will be 8 1/2" by 11" and around 250 to 300 pages with numerous photographs and illustrations. There will be three editions: paperback, a hardbound library edition, similar to above, and a leatherbound heirloom edition. Price has yet to be determined.

    If you would like to be put on the waiting list, just send an email with your name and phone number to me at this website.

    March 24, 2021
    The Bushongs Get Around
    Silas Eugene Bushong and
    Antique Transportation

    In the past, I have published photographs of Bushongs and their antique automobiles, and they appeared to be quite popular. Now in order to continue, I am now expanding to include other forms of transportation, which I am calling, logically, The Bushongs Get Around with their Antique Transportation. This time, two photographs of Silas Eugene Bushong are featured including a beautiful photograph of Silas standing next to a steam locomotive.
    BUSHONG LINEAGE: Silas Eugene Bushong and Rose C. Davis/ Luther Davis Bushong and Martha Jane Crawford/ Isaac A.J. Bushong and Sarah Swank/ Henry Bushong and Catherine Brew/ Henry W. Bushong and Barbara Lohr/ Hans Philip Bushong and Anna Eva Hergard/ Hans John Bushong (IV) and Barbara/ Hanss John Boschung (III) and Anna Maria Boschung/ Hans Boschung (II) and Anna Stocker/ Hans Boschung (I) and Anna Anneler/ Michael Studer-Boschung and Dichti Jaggi.
    Silas Eugene Bushong, was born April 16, 1880, in Kerr County, Texas. He was the son of Luther Davis Bushong and Martha Jane Crawford. Luther who was born in 1852, should be remembered for his 1940 autobiography, (available in our Digital Library), where he relates his life in the west after running away as a boy, from his Virginia home. Luther was to travel over much of the country, visiting many states, including Texas, Arizona, and California, to name a few. Luther passed away in Real County, Texas in 1942. Regardless, Silas is easily tracked in census and other civic records.

    In about 1900, Silas married Rose C. Davis, probably while still in Kerr County. Rose was born, February 11, 1880. They were to have three daughters and the first was Lola, born in 1900, in El Paso. Dollie Francis, the middle child was born in Seattle, Washington in 1902, but sadly, died in 1915 at just 13 years old.

    Following Dollie's passing, Silas and Rose had one more child, Ella May, who was born in 1916, in El Paso. From Silas' census records and his 1918 Draft Registration, it can be seen that sometime between 1910 and 1918, Silas began working for the Southern Pacific Railroad. It was in the beginning, when he probably worked as freightman, but he was also a brakeman and eventually a conductor. In all Silas worked for the railroad at least 22 years, and maybe a couple more that have not been documented. However in 1941, he had retired and moved to San Francisco, California, when on August 3rd of that year he died. His passing, less than a year and a half after his retirement, perhaps bears a certain irony. He reported on the 1940 Census, in the year 1939, he worked 48 weeks, less a vacation, or virtually the entire year. Nevertheless, it is apparent he was proud of working for the railroad, and must have enjoyed it. This considering in 1940 he declared his occupation a Conductor on a Steam Railroad and his obituary said he was a member of the Order of Railway Conductors. It is fitting that Silas' body would have been sent by train from San Francisco back to Texas where he was buried in Evergreen Cemetery in El Paso, Texas. At the funeral, all of the pallbearers were Conductors and members of the order, as well.FindaGrave here

    Bushong Rites Set For Today
    Funeral services for Silas E. Bushong, 61, Milner Hotel, will be held in the Martin Mortuary Chapel at 3 p. m. Friday with Rev. Martin L.. Sims officiating. He was a retired Southern Pacific Railroad Conductor. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery with Five Points Masonic Lodge No. 1137 officiating at the grave. Pallbearers, all members of the Order of Railway Conductors, of which Mr. Bushong was a member, will be Leon F. Abbott, A. C. Kinsey, R. E. Mounts, L. O. Fall, W. H. Prickett, and C. A. Lewis.

    Source: The El Paso Times El Paso, Texas Friday, 8 August 1941 Page 2.
      Civic Record
    • 1880 Census, here in Kerr County, Texas, as an infant
    • 1900 Census, here: in Kerr County, Texas, taken in June, before 1st daughter's birth, with wife Rose and brother, Clarence.
      Occupation: farm labor,
    • 1910 Census, here: in Pinal County, Arizona. Occupation: Odd jobs
    • 1918 Draft Registration, here, in El Paso, Texas
      Occupation: Freight man, Brakeman and Conductor for the Southern Pacific Railroad.
    • 1920 Census, here, in El Paso. Occupation: conductor.
    • 1930 Census, here, in El Paso, Texas. Occupation: conductor.
    • 1940 Census, on April 18 here. in El Paso, Texas. Occupation: Conductor for Steam Railroad.
    • Death Record: in San Francisco, California, August 3, 1941 here. Worked 48 weeks in 1939 and made $3671
    Visiting Roosevelt Dam Project

    Silas with daughters, Lola and Dollie, riding a wagon, near the Roosevelt Dam, in Arizona. For original photograph with caption, click here.
          In his first photograph, we find Silas with his daughters in Arizona, as tourists, riding in what is obviously a sight-seeing wagon or coach. The photo's hand written caption is: "Gene Bushong and 2 daughters at Roosevelt Dam." In the old covered wagon the driver sits on the left, holding a whip, while daughter, Dollie sits between him and Silas, with Lola peeking out from the back of the wagon. Lola, the older, looks to be six to seven years old and Dollie between four and five. That dates the photo between 1906 and 1907. That would be very close to when the Theodore Roosevelt Dam was begun. Of course construction started earlier, but on September 20, 1906, with much fan fare, the giant cornerstone for the dam was laid. source But this means Silas would have been seeing an early stage of the dam's construction. It is even conceivable, he was there for the cornerstone ceremonies.

    The umbrella in the photo, an advertising attempt by a local furniture store, would have come in handy in the Arizona heat, and could have possibly been given out or sold to tourists. This since another McNeil umbrella was reported and it provided the full slogan: "You get the girl, J. P. McNeil will furnish the house." From period local newspaper advertisements, McNeil's store is found opposite Miners' Union Hall, in the town of Globe, which is about 32 miles from the dam's site.

    The Roosevelt Dam is on the Salt River located northeast of Phoenix, Arizona. It was created to provide water and power for the Salt River Valley and nearby, Phoenix, and was the first major project to be completed under a new federal reclamation program. When finished in 1911, standing 357 feet (109 m) high, it was, at the time, the world's tallest masonry dam. Today over 100 years after completion, the Roosevelt Dam is still serving and Lake Roosevelt, which it created, is the sixth largest water reservoir in the United State.source

    Roosevelt Dam on September 20, 1907. This must be close to what Silas saw on his visit. Notice two men standing on top of the dam, close to the middle.

    The Roosevelt Dam in 1984. Compliments of Wikipedia.
          The photograph just above, shows the progress of the dam on September 20, 1907, one year after the cornerstone was laid. If Silas was there in 1907, this could have been close to what he saw. To get a sense of the project's scale, enlarge the photograph and notice two men standing in the middle on top of the dam. Jumping ahead, the 1984 photograph on the left, shows the fully completed project.

    It is perhaps noteworthy, that around 1912, when Arizona became a state, Silas' railroad, Southern Pacific had already constructed a hotel near the dam and was offering tours of it and the lake.source Ultimately, Southern Pacific, operated a lodge at Lake Roosevelt for many years.
    Silas and the Railroad

    In this next historic photograph, Silas, standing on the right side, in a the cowboy hat is posing next to what is clearly a locomotive that he worked on. The photo, taken sometime in the 1920s, also has three gentlemen who are likely his co-workers. Notice the man next to Silas, is wearing a uniform, of sorts, that has an almost even layer grease up to his chest. It seems he could be the engineer. Identifying the type of locomotive proved difficult, with such severe cropping in the photograph. As a result, most identifying features, such as the front of the train have been cut out. That and the wheels, which are used to identify and classify locomotives, are all but blocked from view.


    With three other workers, in about 1920, Silas Bushong, is wearing a
    cowboy hat and standing on the far right.

    But in searching photos of Southern Pacific Railroad (SPR) steam engines, a couple of similar engines came up. They were made by Baldwin Locomotive Works and for example, made in 1907 is Engine no 2521, a 2-8-0 class locomotive, and it appears similar to ours. Click here to see its photo. Notice the piping on the side is almost identical to the engine in Silas' photo. Also Silas worked for SPR who bought a lot of the Baldwin Company's engines. Baldwin Locomotive Works was in business from 1825 to 1956.source Since they are classified by their wheel arrangement, if Silas' locomotive's wheel are the same as 2521 then they are probably the same model. These engines were designed largely as freight haulers,source and though they were not very fast, they could haul long heavy trains. Interestingly, the town of Globe, mentioned above, has a Baldwin Locomotive on permanent display. Built in 1901 it is Engine number 1774 and it is a 0-6-2 class engine.source

    Silas Bushong, had an interesting job and visited the Roosevelt Dam construction project, which in its time, was a modern marvel. Seeing his old photographs allows us to learn a little bit.

    April 14, 2020
    From Pennsylvania Again
    Warning-Alert  Bushong Heritage For Sale SOLD
    Emma Bushong and Joseph Burkholder Bible pages

    Another find on eBay. These pieces of Bushong heritage, that are being offered from Landisville, Pennsylvania, are from the Emma Bushong and Joseph Burkholder family.
    LINEAGE Emma R. Bushong and Joseph R. Burkholder/ John Heller Bushong and Elizabeth Rupp/ Jacob Bushong and Elizabeth Heller/ Johannes John Bushong and Eva D. Eckman/ Hans Philip Bushong and Anna Eva Hergard/ Hans John Bushong (IV) and Barbara/ Hanss John Boschung (III) and Anna Maria Boschung/ Hans Boschung (II) and Anna Stocker/ Hans Boschung (I) and Anna Anneler/ Michael Studer-Boschung and Dichti Jaggi.
    However, they unfortunately appear to be pages torn out of and separated from a family Bible too. So the Bible may never be found. But there are three pages, including a births page (above), a deaths page, and a marriage record. The writing on them is beautifully done calligraphy and is very clear and legible. Note: Below is a partial listing, but to see the full eBay sale or the other pages go to the eBay sale. here.

    BURKHOLDER / BUSHONG 1850-80s Family Calligraphic Ancestry - Lancaster Co. Penna
    “Excellent condition with beautiful calligraphy , ready to frame and display. Please see the photos ” ... Read more
    CALLIGRAPHY - Original 1850s - 1880s Family Ancestry for the JOSEPH R. BURKHOLDER of Farmersville, Lancaster County, Penna and EMMA R. BUSHONG of Oregon, Lancaster County, Penna. MARRIAGE

    Outstanding calligraphic record of the MARRIAGE of Joseph Burkholder and Emma Bushong on December 9, 1875 by Rev. W.T. Gerhard, and witnessed by Clayton Bushong and Lizzie Burkholder. In addition to the Marriage Record, there is also a full page of BIRTHS of the Parents and their Children and another page for DEATHS. The historical value of these records is important, but the beautiful calligraphy is outstanding. Take a good enlarged look at how decorative each letter is - not only is the letter itself decorated, but also the interior spaces of each letter and also the air all around each letter. Amazing!
    Price:US $16.99 Buy It Now SOLD
    Best Offer: Make Offer
    Delivery in 2 days
    Longtime member
    No returns
    Shipping:$8.65 Standard Shipping | See details

    To view it on eBay, click here.

    This is absolutely a must have if Emma and Joseph are in your branch
    and at this price maybe even if they are not!
    April 3, 2020
    More Bushong
    Photographs Found

    This month, let me sign up again for another 14 day free trial. This is my second time, so it seems every four years or so, they will let me sign back up. Like the last time I unsubscribed on the 13th day, and avoided the monthly bill., is still missing most of the Bushong history, but they do have one thing that we need, and that is family photos. Members of upload thousands and thousands of their family photos that unfortunately -the only way to see is to become a subscribing member. So for me, hopefully every few years they'll let me back in. They will have a new bunch of photos, and maybe some of will be needed for our Bushong family heritage.

    On, I went through around 125,000 items that their search returned. Of those about 100 were new or improved photographs of Bushongs that were nice to find. Those are photos of Bushongs in the first six generations from immigration. Six is the maximum generations I could fit in the (Digital) Bushong Photo Album. Ultimately, we ended up with about 15 new Bushong photo pages. This brings the number of photo pages for Bushongs with photos or important papers to 362. So the next time you get a chance, be sure and check for new ones in the Album, here.

    I also came across some Bushong photos that can be used in a Bushongs and Antique Transportation series, so be looking for those soon.

    Please remember if you share photographs on, most people can't see them.
    Also keeps your photos forever and they can not be deleted.

    March 26, 2020
    Warning-Alert  Bushong Family Tree  Warning-Alert
    on RootsWeb
    Has Changed

    I've always said that things on the internet, including this website, are not archival and often change or disappear. Well, here is a good example: the Bushong United Family Tree, hosted on RootsWeb has changed. Many will recall that the RootsWeb site had a serious security breach. Occurring almost two years ago, they had to stop allowing all tree and mailing list updates. First reported on this website, here, I can attest it was a serious breech since with it, my password was stolen and the thieves attempted unsuccessfully to use it on this site and another site. Because of the breech, I've been unable to update the Bushong United Tree since December 2017.

    The good news is that the RootsWeb site has been newly rebuilt and I have been able to update the Bushong United Tree. The bad news, and I hope they change it is, the search engine is now different, and many of the features have disappeared. I'm still figuring it out, but searches can not be refined or "narrowed" down like before, and you will have to sort through a lot more data to find what you need. In fairness, I have only done a few searches, but it certainly seems very difficult to use.

    In the mean while, you can access the tree, here. I will let everyone know if I hear more, and hopefully they will refine the search in the future.

    As a final warning, this website will not be here forever, either. Copy and back up what you need before something happens to it too!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!
    November 26, 2019
      A New Article About  
    Hans John Bushong
    The Dutchman

    I am pleased to announce a new chapter in the Bushong history has been finished. This one is about John Bushong (1692-1749), also known as Hans Boschung IV. Being longer than most of my other articles, it was more difficult to write. If references are any measure, it has more than all the others.

    One thing I found exciting was locating the original Bushong farm in Lancaster County. It is amazing how modern technology made it possible, because by using satellite imagery and an old plot map as an overlay it was possible to pin-point the old Bushong property. The article is available in Featured Articles column to the right, or the Articles page.

    Hans John Bushong finally has his own article! Read it here.

    October 3, 2019
    A New Article is Coming!
    For Hans John Bushong IV

    Hello readers,
    Just wanted to let you know that there is more Bushong genealogy on its way. I am most of the way through writing the next chapter in this family's history, which is about John Bushong IV, (1692-1749), the Dutchman. As always whenever I examine a different part of the Bushong history, new things come to light, and this is also true in this case.

    Look for it coming soon!

    August 16, 2019
    The Bushong Home on TV!
    of the
    New Market Battlefield in Virginia

    The Bushong Farm in 1880 or 1881.
    New Market, Shenandoah County, Virginia.

    I am pleased to announce that the Bushong home and farm of the New Market Battlefield in Shenandoah County, Virginia, has been chosen to be featured in an episode of Barnwood Builders. It is titled "Battle Ready", and will premiere on the DIY network May 12th. It also should be noted it is just three days shy of May 15th, the 155th anniversary of the actual battle. That day, Confederate General John C. Breckinridge, with the help of the cadets from Virginia Military Institute, (VMI), defeated Major General Franz Sigel and the Union advance.
    BUSHONG LINEAGE: Jacob Bushong and Sally Strickler/ Henry W. Bushong and Barbara Lohr/ Hans Philip Bushong and Anna Eva Hergard/ Hans John Bushong (IV) and Barbara Bushong (the immigrants)/ Hanss John Boschung (III) and Anna Maria Boschung of Switzerland, (immigrated before 1719)/ Hans Boschung (II) and Anna Stocker/ Hans Boschung (I) and Anna Anneler/ Michael Studer-Boschung and Dichti Jaggi.
    Some may recall that Jacob Bushong and Sally Strickler Bushong were there during the battle, and the Bushong house became an impromptu hospital for the wounded troops streaming back from the fighting. It is said that Jacob and Sally remained in the basement during the battle, but helped with the wounded soldiers whenever they could.

    Regardless, back in November, I was contacted by Katie Earls an associate producer for a television production company. One of its 18 different shows is Barnwood Builders. Katie explained they intended to create an episode that included the New Market Bushong farm and needed some help verifying a few photographs for the show. I was delighted to help and had only had one condition, and that was they not bring up or mention the "French Huguenot named Jean Beauchamp Myth," which they agreed. Aside from that, the production company, "Silent Crow Arts" is very careful to stay within copyright and public domain guidelines and they had a couple of photos to use in the show. By painstakingly identifying subjects in the photos, we were able to date some of them to a two year range, 1880-1881, which satisfied their public domain requirement. Katie said the photos are used at the beginning.

    In the episode, Barnwood Builders will visit the Virginia Museum of the Civil War, which is near a job site where they build a log cabin. In the museum they get some local history and then visit the buildings on the property which include the wheelwright shop, blacksmith shop, loom house, hen house, ice house, and summer kitchen. Here is their schedule...

      "Battle Ready," with the Bushong Farm premieres on May 12, 2019

    It should be a fun episode, I encourage everyone to watch!
    April 5, 2019
    The Hans Phillip Bushong
    Recorded Will

    1785 Washington County, Maryland

    To view or copy full size, click on image - click Backspace to return        To view or copy full size, click on image - Backspace to return
    The recorded 1785 will of Hans Philip Bushong.
    (click to enlarge)
    BUSHONG LINEAGE: Hans Philip Bushong and Anna Eva Hergard/ Hans John Bushong (IV) and Barbara/ Hanss John Boschung (III) and Anna Maria Boschung of Switzerland, (immigrated before 1719)/ Hans Boschung (II) and Anna Stocker/ Hans Boschung (I) and Anna Anneler/ Michael Studer-Boschung and Dichti Jaggi.
    At, using the book numbers, included in an old transcription, I tracked down this scan of the recorded will of Hans Philip Bushong. Though there have been transcriptions made of it, I don't believe the original has been published yet. Of course, a recorded will is a transcription too, but it is copied from the actual will by, in this case, an official Washington County, Maryland Registrar. There are mistakes too, made by Thomas Bell the registrar.

    But over the years there have been at least a couple of transcribed versions of Hans Philip's will published and those both vary with each other. One of them unfortunately edited and corrected text and spelling, for instance, the name "Barbary" was changed to Barbara. This is just wrong since it strips away historical integrity and context. If she was called Barbary, then we should know that. Then put "[sic]" after it to indicated the original writer wrote it like that. The readers will be able to figure it out and I think most of us can appreciate an accurate transcription over one that is an interpretation. Regardless, below, is an accurate transcription. (Just don't run it through spell checker.)
    In the Name of God Amen I Phillip Bushong of Washington County and State of Maryland being very weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be be [sic] given to God Calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men Once to die do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament that is to say principally & first of all I give and Recommend my body unto the Earth to be buried in a decent Christian Burreal at the descretion of my Exec and I Recommend my Sole unto the All Mighty God who gave it to me nothing doubting but at the General Resurection I shall Receive the same again by the Almighty power of God and as touching such Worldly Estate as it has pleased God to bless me with in this life I give demise and dispose of the same in the the Same in the [sic] following manner and form.

    Imprimise my Will is that my beloved Wife Barbary shall have an Eaquel Share with any of my Heirs herein Mentioned in my Real and personal Estate According to a Certain Marriage Contract between us Enacted this shall be the full Satisfaction for her dower and besides this her share she shall have no farther Right to my Estate Eighter Real or personal Except what she brought to me, and the Remaining and Residue of my Estate bothe Real and personal I leave and bequeath unto my nine children viz. as follows Except Sundry Leagcies hereafter Mentioned. John Bushong, Barbary Wife of Henry Hardman, Phillip Bushong Peter Bushong Henry Bushong, Mary Bushong Jacob Bushong David Bushong Elizabeth Bushong to be Eaqual divided between them.

    Imprimise I give and bequeath to my Eldest Son John Bushong five Pounds

    Imprimise I give and Bequeath unto the Widow of Robert Michael or his Heirs after her death forty Pounds & Ten Shillings it being for a Sertin Sum of Money I Borroweth of her Husband in former Good times and paid it in Continental Money when it Rated twenty for One

    Imprimise my will is that is to say after my Death my Executors shall and may sell of my Real and personal Estate and Make Convayens for for [sic] said Lands to those fit thinking and after paying all just debts and funeral Charges and the leagcies above Mentioned the Remaining part to be divided as is herein before Mentioned that is to say to my beloved Wife Barbary and my nine children. And also I constitute and Appoint Christian Newcomer and Jacob Hess to be the Executors of this my last Will and Testament and I do hereby utterly disalow Revoke and dissanull all and every Other Testaments Will Legacies bequests Executors by me in any wise before named Willed and Bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this and no Other to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this seventh day of February in the Year of our Lord Seventeen Hundred & Eighty five. Phillip (his X mark) Bushong [seal]

    Signed Sealed published and declared by me the Said Phillip Bushong as my last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each Other have hereunto Subscribed our names. John Core, Conrad Nichodemus Martin Belmire On the book of the Original Will of the said Philip Bushong the following Indorsements to wit Washington County Ss Feby 26th 1785 Came Christian Newcome & Jacob Hess & Solemly declared & Affirmed that the within Instrument of Writing is the true and whole Will & Testament of Phillip Bushong late of said County deceased that hath come to there hands or possession & that they do not know of any other. And at the same time Came John Coir, Conrad Nichodemus & Martin Belmire the three Subscribing Witnesses to the Within last Will & Testament of Phillip Bushong late of said County deceased & Severally declared & affirmed that they did see the Testator therein Named Sign & seal this Will & that they heard him publish pronounce & declare the Same to be his last Will & Testament that at the time of his So doing he was to the best of their Apprehentions of sound & disposing mind memory & understanding & that they respectively Subscribed their names as Witnesses to this Will in the presence & at the Request of the Testator & in the presence of each Other
    Certified by
    [signed] Thomas Bell Regr.
    Recorded February 26th 1785

    Washington County Will Book A
    pages 107-109
    Hagerstown, Maryland.

    Hans Philip Bushong, who went by Philip, was born in 1722, probably in Germany. But it should be noted, family lore persists that the Boschungs spent some time in France, so we just don't yet know. Regardless, he arrived in Pennsylvania in 1731 on the Ship Britannia, at around nine years old. Later, likely before December 1750 when his first child, Johannes John Bushong was born, he married Anna Eva Hergard. Anna, who was born in 1733 and is thought to have been from France. She died June 19, 1778 and interestingly, Anna's tombstone, (viewable on Bushong United, here), is a part of the "Bushongs were not French" evidence. Accordingly it is carved completely in German..
    Hier ruhen die Gebeine Anna Eva Bushong
    Gebohren den 22 July AD 1733 Gestorben den 19 June AD 1778
    Im Ihres Alters 44 Jahre 11 Monatheweniger 3 Tage
    It translates to "Here lie the bones Anna Eva Bushong, born the 22 July AD 1733. Died the 19 June AD 1778. In their age 44 years 11 Months,less 3 days." Following her death, Hans married Barbara "Barbary" (Miller) Kimmel, May 23, 1780, in First Reformed Church, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Barbara was the widow of Adam Kimmel and she died in 1794. A page has been added to the Bushong Photo Album for Hans Philip and this document is also available there.

    This appears to be the oldest will in Bushong heritage. At least that we can view.
    Hans Philip's father's hasn't been seen in years and his siblings all died later, or their will hasn't yet been located.

    March 18, 2019
    Warning-Alert  More Bushong Heritage For Sale  Warning-Alert
    Again from Lancaster County
    Gilbert Bushong On eBay - Updated

    Photo of Henry Bushong's 1854 fractur to Gilbert Bushong
    Note: the white blemish appears to be from the camera flash, since they are different in other photos.
    Gilbert Bushong Bird Of Paradise Wedding Fraktur Lancaster PA Abolitionist 1854
    Watercolor Wedding Fraktur depicting two Birds of Paradise, flanking a green outlined heart with the following script " The Greater Bird Of Paradise made for Gilbert Bushong by his Father in the seventy first year of his age 2 M o 3 1854". Executed in 1854 by Henry Bushong, for his son Gilbert, Eden Twp Lancaster County Pennsylvania. Gilbert Bushong's diaries are in the Lancaster County historical society. The Bushong Family oversaw Station #10 of the Underground Railroad and were one of the leaders of the Christiana Riots. The fraktur measures 12" x 7 1/2 sight, 10 1/2" x 15" with the frame. The frame is old and very attractive, with faux, curly maple paint. The watercolors are still nice and bright, some staining is evident on the fraktur, but it does not impose upon the written script or the watercolor Birds. A very attractive, period PA German watercolor with an excellent and interesting history. Full refund, less shipping, if not completely satisfied.

    Starting bid:US $350.00 $325
    [ 0 bids ]
    Ends Monday, 10:50AM March 18
    Ends Monday, 9:30AM March 25

    Ships from United States
    30-day returns
    Shipping: $17.00 Expedited Shipping | See details
    See full listing and bid, here.

    BUSHONG LINEAGE: Gilbert Bushong and Edith Kinsey Paxson/ Henry Bushong and Esther Valentine/ Johannes John Bushong and Eve Dorothea Eckman/ Hans Philip Bushong and Anna Eva Hergard/ Hans John Bushong (IV) and Barbara/ Hanss John Boschung (III) and Anna Maria Boschung of Switzerland, (immigrated before 1719)/ Hans Boschung (II) and Anna Stocker/ Hans Boschung (I) and Anna Anneler/ Michael Studer-Boschung and Dichti Jaggi.
    This is a different Bushong heirloom being sold off. It is called a fraktur, and was drawn and lettered by Henry Bushong in 1854 in honor of his son Gilbert's marriage to Edith Paxson. The piece offers a unique insight into Henry Bushong, since before, there was no reason to believe he was artistic.

    Regardless, it is unbelievable the amount of Bushong photos, diaries, and now folk art, that has been turning up for sale from this Bushong branch. This should serve as a reminder, that if you don't have a Bushong to pass your family's keepsakes on to, then they have a good chance of being lost from the family. Sorry there is not much time left for the auction, but it is possible it will not sell and that maybe it will then be relisted.

    Detail photo of the sentiment Henry Bushong wrote for his son.

    And to think, Gilbert and Henry were part of Lancaster County's Underground Railroad too!
    March 16, 2019
    March 18: Updated- not sold.
    March 21: Updated - relisted.


    Bushong United is Copyright ©2024 by Rick Bushong any Commercial Use is Prohibited.
    Non-commercial use is allowed with permission or if copyright is included.
    Photos are in the commons or are otherwise noted. No Bandwidth Theft Allowed


    Two Searches Available
    The Tree

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          1575~1623: Michael (Swiss)
          1600-1669: Hans I (Swiss)
          1635-1694: Hans II (Swiss)
          1661~1732: Hans III (Swiss)
          1692-1749: Hans IV (German)
          1693-1732: Nicholas (German)
          1717-1790: Andrew (German)

    Featured Bushong Articles on the Bushong United Website             

    The Origin of the
    Bushong-Boschung Surname

    For well over a hundred years, American genealogists, have been documenting and charting the Bushong surname. A name which is derived from a native tongue that most, if not all of them, are completely unfamiliar with - Schweizerdeutsch or translated, Swiss German....
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    The 1930 Census
    Bushongs Are Charted

    In a genealogical charting project, completed in December 2011, the entire Bushong Family as found in the 1930 U.S. Census, was charted state by state, Bushong by Bushong from All the 1930 Census information was entered into a modern and easily searched and archived database, a GEDCOM. The results...
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    DNA Connects
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    of Swiss
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    These are the sources for the original Boschung family from the actual Boltigen and Oberwil church books in Canton Bern, Switzerland. The selections are focused on the Boschung and ancillary families...
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    Our Swiss Family Bushong - Beyond Bushong
    Our Swiss Family Bushong
    Part 1: Beyond Bushong

    In west central Switzerland, is the canton of Bern. Located in the southwest corner of Bern, and settled amidst some of its most rugged mountains is an area known as Obersimmental. This is where the Simmental ...
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    Our Swiss Family Bushong
    Part 2: The Original Bushong
    in America

    Who was the original or first Bushong in America? From many genealogists and sources old and new, there could be a lot of different answers...
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    Hans John Bushong IV
    The Dutchman

    Hans Boschung IV, 1692-1749, and Barbara, his wife are the progenitors of the largest branch of Bushongs in America and their immigration, with their children, to Pennsylvania, in September of 1731, is well known and...
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    The Immigrant
    Johann Nicholas Boschung
    Pennsylvania and Germany

    Like his father and brother, Nicholas could have been looking for a new start, where land was cheap and his religious beliefs could not be outlawed. Or he could have been rushing to America to see an ailing father...
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    The Descendants of
    Nicholas and Magdalena

    These are the children of Johann Nicholas Bushong and Anna Magdalena Schaffner...
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    The Pioneer
    Anthony Andrew Bushong
    Part 1:Germany to Pennsylvania

    On what was said to be a sunny day in the fall of 1732, a tiny ship sailed into the Philadelphia Harbor. It was the Pink "John and William, and aboard, with his parents and siblings was a young boy, Andreas Boschung...
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    The Pioneer
    Anthony Andrew Bushong
    Part 2: Maryland to Kentucky

    In America, war began again in 1754. The long simmering problems between Britain, France, and the Indian Nations, including the Delaware and Shawnee, erupted...
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    Pink "John and William"
    Captain Tymperton
    The Immigrants Voyage

    On the west bank of the Philadelphia Harbor in 1732, a small ship, named "John and William" finally pulled along side of the docks and cast its lines. It was very late, and out of eleven ships, that carried immigrants to Pennsylvania that year, it was the last to arrive...
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    Voyage of the
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    The Voyager's Epilogue

    The story continues... the dead and the mutineers... ...the return trip to Lisbon ...a surprising new career for Captain Tymperton. "John and William" becomes a slave ship and her shocking end
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    Murder Lurks
    on the
    Pink "John and William"

    In 1732, a long and lethal transatlantic crossing, ended when the Pink "John and William," finally docked in Philadelphia. For the entire voyage, none aboard were aware, that one amongst them was being stalked by more than starvation and disease. None but one, a fellow voyager, whom they trusted. But this voyager was no immigrant, seeking freedom...
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    Land Warrant Survey Maps Lancaster and Dauphin Co. Pennsylvania

    Select warrant survey maps, centering around Andrew Bushong and Hans Bushong, from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and Dauphin County when it was created ...
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    The Frontiersman & the Lady
    John and Jenette Part 1

    Over 250 years ago, on Wednesday, September 17, 1760, John Bushong, was born, in Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware. He was the fourth child of Johann Anthony Andrew Bushong, (Sr.), but the first child with his second wife, Catherine...
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    The First Bushongs in Ohio
    John and Jenette Part 2

    It was in the spring of 1797, at the age of 36, that John Bushong left his Kentucky home, wife, and family and trekked off to the north east. The pioneer inevitably traveled overland and by river and ended up some 160 miles away, deep in the Northwest Territory, making him the first Bushong in the territory...
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    John Bushong Senior
    1825 Ohio Estate Papers

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    William Wilhelm Bushong
    1837 Estate Papers
    Columbian Co., Ohio

    He was named Wilhelm, according to the Register of the First Reformed Church, York, Pennsylvania, the son of Johannes Buschong and Elizabeth (Sprenkel). Sometime before 1778, not yet twelve years old, he moved with his family to Shenandoah County...
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    Jacob Bushong
    Daguerreotype Discovered
    In Rare Charter Oak Case

    I was recently contacted by a Daguerreotype collector, who I'm pleased to announce has discovered and acquired a photograph of one of Henry Bushong (1783-1870) and Sarah Gilbert's (1787-1831) family...
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    Bushong-Rakestraw Daguerreotypes
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    Quaker Bushongs
    of Lancaster County

    Sallie Gilbert's Photo Album

    What an exciting find and rare opportunity! Forty-nine newly rediscovered photographs. All in an original and untouched, Civil War era photo album. Also, it's fully identified with a total of 23 surnames! In this world, there are so many old photos without names and so many ancestors, who've never been seen...
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    The 180 Year Old
    Bushong Place,
    Roanoke, Virginia

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    Albert Bushong, Dentist
    Doc Bushong, Catcher

    Albert John Bushong, DDS, better known as "Doc Bushong" was one of the most famous Major League Baseball catchers of the 19th century, and is one of a few actual celebrities in the Bushong family. He was also a major contributor to the final transformation of the catcher's mitt...
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    John Chester Bushong

    John Chester Bushong was born on a Sunday, September 12, 1869, near Columbus Grove, Putnam County, Ohio. But it was his quest for knowledge and his passion for photography that would take him many places. Truly a man for all seasons he was successful in many pursuits...
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    The Front Page
    At a Glance

    The Front Page listed in chronological order and Feature Articles listed...
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    The Genealogical Proof Standard (GPS) is a guideline for establishing the reliability ("proof") of a genealogical conclusion with reasonable certainty. It is important within the genealogical community for clearly communicating the quality of research performed, such as by a professional genealogist. It is also useful for helping new genealogists understand what is needed to do high-quality research.
      The five key elements
    1. A reasonably exhaustive research.
    2. Complete and accurate source citations.
    3. Analysis & correlation of the collected information.
    4. Resolution of any conflicting evidence.
    5. A soundly reasoned, coherently written conclusion.
    Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



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    Want to help? Though a lot has been figured out about the Colonial Bushong family, there is still much that could be done. If you'd like to help, look below at the areas where more research is needed.
    Credit will be given for all contributions.

    Identifying ANCI's

    In the Bushong United Tree, this term is added to the first name for those charted who's parents or lineage is not known. There are over 70 currently listed, from dates in the 1700s and into the late 1900s, some could be very easy and some could be extremely difficult.

    Care to try your hand? Type in "ANCI" into a first name search of the Bushong United Tree to see them all.
    Church Records

    The LDS Libraries have most of the church records, from Germany and Switzerland on microfilm. They are sort of indexed, yet still require reading and interpreting the ancient German script.

    This is a targeted approach, and specific places, dates, and people can be provided. There are already researchers working on it, but more are needed.

    If you can get to an LDS library, near you and aren't afraid of the old hand writing, contact me so the searches can be coordinated.
    Finding Old Photos

    Old photos are extremely rare and important for a family's heritage. Bushong United is collecting them for all Bushongs through the sixth generation from the immigrants. Some are hidden in shoeboxes and others behind false walls at These are so important that any means necessary should be used to bring them into the public Bushong Heritage and protect them.

    Want to know if a photo is from the first six generations? Email me or search the Bushong United family tree, for the immigrants, Hans John Bushong or Johann Nicholas Bushong, then select the "Pedigree" view and count how many generations to the immigrant. If it's six, including the immigrant then there's a place for it.
    Filling in the Blanks

    The Bushong United family tree has thousands of individuals in it. Most of the names are documented with some census or other civic records, and possibly Find a Grave memorial's copied into it. But some, mostly from previously documented lines, are blank in the notes, with no proof provided. Though the relationships are probably correct, the proof should be also added to their notes.

    If you find one like that and would like to help, from or any other suitable place, copy and paste their civic records into one email, and send it so it can be included in their notes.
    Find John Bushong's
    Pre 1719 Warrant

    If Daniel Rupp can find it,
    so can we
    It stands to reason that if John Bushong's (III) Lancaster land warrant was on the 1719 tax list that Daniel Rupp transcribed into his book, then the list or possibly the "early warranties" list, can be found again. They often have details.

    Possibly it is even online at the Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission website,here. On the other hand only part of the early warranties are available on line, so it may require a visit.

    Any accurate information
    will help!