The Bushong United Photo Album - Viewer

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Eliza Jane Bushong, 1863-1916 and William Clayton Jones, 1863-1941

The images above of Eliza and William were found in a severely cropped condition and had virtually no body. To create a more pleasing presentation the images of their heads were added to a body. Someone else's body. Because of that, these composite images are not historically accurate. If you use these composite photos, for the sake of historical accuracy and your descendants, some warning or explanation should be included and maintained every time they are used or shared. To see the original images, click these links, below.

Original Eliza Jane Bushong Jones image here. William Clayton original image here.

Eliza Jane Bushong Jones with composite body and mat added here.

Photographs from members of

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Bushong United is Copyright ©2020 by Rick Bushong any Commercial Use is Prohibited.
Personal, non-commercial use of these images is allowed, unless otherwise noted.
Please credit the Bushong United Family Tree for the photos or their restoration.